Have you seen trailers for the new Tina Fey & Steve Carrel movie “Date Night?” We saw one the other night and I laughed out loud when, as they’re being chased and fearing for their lives, she thinks to yell out to him, “I don’t want the kids to live with your mother; she’s awful!” That was definitely not the time to be having that discussion for the first time!
Now granted, most of us aren’t planning to impersonate strangers to get a table in a swanky restaurant on our one and only date night then find ourselves in a desperate case of mistaken identity. But we are likely to, at least at one time or another, find ourselves in a situation where we might have good cause for concern. Most big decisions really are best made in non-crisis mode. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, plan for the worst, expect the best, and then live your life with less worry and more room for joy.