How to Meet with DGVE Law Remotely by Video Conference via GoToMeeting


Hover your mouse at the bottom of the video conference box to show icons to click to enable access to your camera and microphone. If they are green, as pictured below, they should be enabled. (If there is a line through them they are not enabled.)


Click the blue button that says “OK, I’m Ready” to join the meeting.


If we cannot see or hear you, please double check your settings and steps as indicated above.


Everything you share with us is confidential.  We will lock the meeting to prevent anyone else from joining without our permission. We will not record any meeting with your advance knowledge and consent and you may not record our meetings either.

We look forward to seeing you and talking with you soon!

Instructions to Meet with DGVE law Remotely by Video Conference

If you’d prefer the above instructions in PDF format, please click the button to to download them.

PDF Instructions