While you are gathering all of your documents to prepare for tax season, why not use this time to check something else off your list?
Tax time is the perfect time to review or create your Will, Trust, Power of Attorney and all the other parts of a comprehensive estate plan?
Meet with DGVE law® soon and we’ll provide the tools and resources and help you organize your financial statements to bring to your accountant, OR organize it all for your accountant, then provide that information as context for reviewing your family’s estate planning legal needs in light of the many changes over the past few years.
Let us help you come out of this tax season feeling relieved and in control instead of confused and disorganized.
We only have a few appointments left in March, so if you want one of them, hurry up and call our office now at (781) 740-0848.
There’s no time like the present to prepare for your family’s future. The clock’s ticking.